From the Minister

St Columba Church is a large, vibrant congregation on the south side of Ayr. Our community life is marked by friendliness, hospitality, and a shared active concern for one another and the wider world. With the beginning of a new ministry, our community is excited about the future as together we embark on a new chapter.

At its root, faith is an exploration of the inner life. The most important journey which we make in life is the inner journey. The Sacred can be encountered in numerous ways: within the rich traditions of Christianity; along the spiritual paths of other world faiths; and, in and through the world of nature, its beauty and diversity. There is incredible beauty in this part of the world through the changing seasons and our nearness to nature.

God is the Absolute, the Most Real, our Eternal Lover. The word ‘God’ can be unhelpful because it implies an external, supernatural ‘being’ when, we believe, the Transcendent is present in and through the material world. Within Christian spirituality, the practice of silence and stillness help us to be present to the Presence. In our weekly diets of public worship, through word, song, and periods of quiet, we seek to open ourselves to the Eternal.

St Columba welcomes you to join us as we begin a new stage of our pilgrimage.


-Revd. Dr. Scott S McKenna